Sunday, January 30, 2005

The strain is starting to take it's toll, Dr Hunter Douglas is grasping at straws as TakeMyEnemaPlease

sharon> potty play
TakeMyEnemaPlease> hi sharon
sharon> hi...m or f
TakeMyEnemaPlease> m
TakeMyEnemaPlease> man
TakeMyEnemaPlease> I'm a guy
sharon> ok...r u bi, stright or gay
TakeMyEnemaPlease> I guess I am meterosexual, that's the big thing these days, isn't it?
TakeMyEnemaPlease> haha, I almost typed meteor sexual!!!
sharon> I guess so
TakeMyEnemaPlease> you don't like me, do you?
sharon> yes...I love messy scat and pee play...humiliate and abuse me if you like sir
TakeMyEnemaPlease> Whoa, do you mean it?
sharon> YES
TakeMyEnemaPlease> I can't believe it, this is the first time anyone has acknowledged my existence in here.
TakeMyEnemaPlease> Are you gassy?
sharon> tell me bout you
TakeMyEnemaPlease> Did you just fart?
sharon> yes...need to shit for past 2 hours
TakeMyEnemaPlease> you must have strong muscles, I mean a half hour after dinner I'm right in the toilet crapping away.
TakeMyEnemaPlease> what would you like to know about me?
sharon> hubby makes me hold it...have an inflatable buttplug in right now
TakeMyEnemaPlease> do you have an air pump to inflate it?
sharon> a pressure bulb like on a blood pressure cuff
TakeMyEnemaPlease> what's your hubby do for a living?
sharon> he deals meth
TakeMyEnemaPlease> Damn, it stinks in here, did something crawl up your ass and die?
TakeMyEnemaPlease> sorry, that was uncalled for
TakeMyEnemaPlease> when you said your husband dealt meth I was just trying to impress you
sharon> smokin some right now
TakeMyEnemaPlease> far out, give me a toke
TakeMyEnemaPlease> are you just leading me on?
sharon> no....I'm so fuckin horny and high
TakeMyEnemaPlease> You should put some Hendrix on
TakeMyEnemaPlease> Purple Haze, yeah baby,
sharon> why not
TakeMyEnemaPlease> well cripes sake, do I have to do all the work?
TakeMyEnemaPlease> have you ever been anally probed?
sharon> almost daily
TakeMyEnemaPlease> you know what would really be cool?
TakeMyEnemaPlease> if you, or me, were abducted by aliens and they butt probed us, omg, that would be so far out!!!
sharon> I love being sexually abused
TakeMyEnemaPlease> by aliens?
TakeMyEnemaPlease> I have to be honest with, can I be honest with you?
sharon> yes..sure
TakeMyEnemaPlease> I am actually Kryblar from planet Detox
sharon> whatever
TakeMyEnemaPlease> seriously, I was sent her by the high council to find breeding stock among the earth people
TakeMyEnemaPlease> I can read your thoughts, you know, and I don't appreciate what you are thinking about me.
TakeMyEnemaPlease> Kryblar to the High Council of Detox ... my mission is not going well, I told you I thought Uranus would have been a better choice than Earth
TakeMyEnemaPlease> sharon???
TakeMyEnemaPlease> can I borrow some meth?
sharon> sure
TakeMyEnemaPlease> so, you do understand my mission!
sharon> not sure..tell me
TakeMyEnemaPlease> well ::beep beep beep beep:: my world is a dying world and I have been sent by the High Council of Detox to find female earth creatures for breeding, and new supplies of meth
TakeMyEnemaPlease> and it seems that you and your hubby meet are needs
sharon> good
TakeMyEnemaPlease> so, would you be willing???
sharon> yes
TakeMyEnemaPlease> you'd be willing to re-populate planet Detox, and bring meth too?
TakeMyEnemaPlease> actually, fuck the kids, bring the meth, kids are a pain in the ass anyway, don't you think?
TakeMyEnemaPlease> Can you be in Cape Kennedy by this thrusday?
TakeMyEnemaPlease> ::beep beep beep beep::
TakeMyEnemaPlease> sharon, sharon, your transmission is starting to fade ...
TakeMyEnemaPlease> fade-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e
TakeMyEnemaPlease> need more meth, need more meth, need more meth, need more meth,
TakeMyEnemaPlease> yeah, you don't have any meth, bitch.


Blogger Pisser said...

BWah hahahahah!!!!

January 31, 2005 at 12:44 PM  
Blogger Bored Housewife said...


like, ew, and stuff.
that is highly disturbing...but oh-so entertaining!!

January 31, 2005 at 8:54 PM  
Blogger tkkerouac said...

tkkerouac said...

March 28, 2007 at 10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I identify myself with him because the fate of his discovery appears to me typical of the acceptance of my own.. This is letting you in on the ground floor,' says I, 'and it's now or never...

May 5, 2007 at 1:46 PM  

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